Beiträge von Inselpinsel

    Danke für die prompte Antwort, Frank. Das erklärt einiges ...

    Advertising heißt bei uns Werbung und ich nehme an, mit Advertkiting ist Werbung für Drachen gemeint? Wie kann das kein Promotions-Video sein?

    Wenn ich was kritisier, muß ich es nicht gleich besser machen. Ich kann auch einen Kinofilm bescheiden finden, ohne einen Besseren zu drehen. Zumindest ist es schade, daß es keine anderen Videos des Zephyros gibt. Aber das wird sich hoffentlich in Zukunft ändern.

    In diesem Sinne, alles schön und gut.

    BTW ich habe keine Zephyroses (?) erhalten. Ich mach das alles aus Nächstenliebe.

    Zitat von KainLeiner

    klasse Vidio :H:

    Sorry, aber das ist das schlimmste Neuer Kite Video, das ich seit langem gesehen habe.
    Der Zephyros muss doch mehr drauf haben.

    War der Wind wirklich so schlecht oder hat der Pilot zuviel Kölnisch Wasser gesoffen? :=(

    RE Nachspann... und für kommerzielle Zwecke taugt das Gewackel schon gar nicht.

    Zitat von Mark O2

    Ist bekannt , Danke! ...- War ein Kite von 1995, der schon ganz lange nimmer produziert wird. Michel hat das schon vor über 2 Jahren geschrieben.... Du glaubst nicht wie viele der Namen schon mal bei Kites verwendet wurden. ... *SO WHAT?!* Da ist kein "TM" drauf ;-)...

    Mir ging's nur um die allgemeine Namens- u. Drachenhistorie, da hast Du mich falsch verstanden ...
    Julian Wolfe Patrick und Jens von Level One sind sogar alte Freunde, falls Du dass nicht wusstest.

    Zitat von Breezer

    Wenn Du den Artikel gelesen hast, dann berichte doch mal bitte, was da steht ;)


    Black Pearl UL review by Frazer


    I’ll always have a soft spot for Level One Kites. Back in the day, my first proper kite was a Level One Easy Light on which I learned to Axel and avoid those frequent walks of shame which plague the novice pilot. There was a pocket of Level One devotees there in Dallas, TX and between us we had most designs from the Easy Light all the way up to the mighty Thor’s Hammer. We loved ‘em for their good value, solid construction (lots of heavy landings in those days) and forgiving flight.

    So, I was keen to try out the new(ish) design from Level One Kites, The Black Pearl, designed by Thorsten Mikus. Its a whole lot more kite that those first L1′s of mine, but retains those beloved traits on of the kites, it even has the “Made In Heaven” logo on the kite bag


    When I first put the kite together it felt more like a SUL, such is the flex in the frame and the light weight. It is framed with SkyShark 2PT (hence the flex) & SkyShark 3PT leading edges and SkyShark 3PT spreaders. With a SkyShark P1X spine this adds up to 230g which is not a lot for 2.4m kite.

    The most interesting feature of the kite is the position of the standoffs. They are positioned such that the connectors on the lower spreaders lie adjacent to one another, literally touching. It does look a little odd at first, the only design I’ve seen with anything resembling it would be the Aerostar Sport Kites “Sano” which achieves a similar configuration with its ShapeShifter™ standoffs.

    The sail is Icarex and the leading edge tunnels are of some light weight material which gave me some concerns initially about wear and how long it might last. I’ve been assured by Thorsten though that the leading edges hold up just fine and Kitehouse designs feature similar materials and I’ve had no issue with them, despite flying regularly on shell strewn beaches. The sewing and finishing perhaps isn’t on par with the very best boutique manufacturers but its appears perfectly acceptable/adequate and I found no mistakes or areas of concern. The sail reinforcements at the trailing edge, the upper spreader rub spot and around the centre T are well done and look like they offer plenty of protection.

    First Impressions

    As stated, this is a large kite and it moves slowly and deliberately but it doesn’t feel that big on the end of the lines. The pull is pleasantly light even as the wind picks up and it doesn’t require large or firm inputs. In fact, the Black Pearl is very tolerant of sloppy inputs and delivers pleasing results despite the technique limitations of the pilot. Now, of course, this is a good thing because it makes the kite easy to pick up and trick but on the other hand it does nothing to improve the slop in your technique.


    Tricks wise the Black Pearl turns out to be a very rounded design, equally capable of graceful old skool tricks or modern pitch based freestyle moves. Lets cover the old skool first. This kite excels are flatspins, 540′s are quite amazing for a design of this French shape/pedigree lovely and flat. Slot Machines likewise and multi-slots are really stoopid easy to pull off. Flic flacs are textbook with none of the dreaded deadspot which blights some other, overly pitchy, modern designs. Backspins are proper Backspins and not barrel rolls. In smooth winds they remain flat and don’t drift across the window. Whats more, cascading them is pretty straightforward and given the Black Pearl’s solid Flic Flacs the Duplex should be very attainable too. I’ll be sure to try this trick next time out.

    The new skool, pitched based stuff, you’ll be pleased to hear that’s all there too. It rolls up and unwraps very gracefully, not blindingly quickly but smoothly and naturally such that I found myself pulling Lewis after Lewis just to watch it again and again. You can see what I mean in this video, to my eyes at least, this kite moves and transitions much more pleasingly that many a newer design.

    [Video Black Pearl uncut from helikopterkalle on Vimeo.]

    Jacob’s Ladders are really very easy, the size/speed of the kite allow for slower rungs and in the good winds I had I could keep them going until I tired of them. Wap Do Waps are nice on this kite too, slower again due to the size and UL framing but slow Waps turn out to be more pleasing than the blindly fast ones I haphazardly hit on smaller design. Multi-lazies had a tendancy to fall out so some care is needed there, and chaining tricks together into combinations is effortless and the BP transitions from one trick into the next very cleanly.

    Precision? Well that really isn’t a strong point of my flying, along with cometes and all manner of other stuff, but the Black Pearl cuts more that acceptable corners and figures with clean lines and pretty constant speed across the window. I’m informed that in much better hands the precisions is really rather good, which reinforces my belief that the Black Pearl would make a very capable competition platform. Wether it be Tricks Party or ballet, the tricks, clean lines and size/presence/speed you’d have no excuses, it wouldn’t be the kite letting you down.


    In conclusion then, well, despite having made a promise to myself I’d be buying no more new kites this year I rather think I’ll be making some room in my bag for a couple more. Its just that compelling. It’d be the perfect kite for a novice, being so neutral and forgiving which makes it very easy to achieve good results. That statement does the kite a disservice though, because its much more that an entry/novice level platform, its worthy of serious consideration for all levels of fliers.

    The only really fault I can find with the kite is the printed graphic on the wingtip. I realize this is a feature common to many Level One kites, but I’m not a fan of it. The sail layout, though simple is very effective but the graphic does detract a little from the aesthetic.

    Nobody in the US currently stocks this design, which is a pity because its simply too good to ignore. It Europe though it is carried by a number of stores including Kite Ireland (duh), Cerf Volante Service (France), Volango (Germany) and Giochi Volanti (Italy)


    I’d like to thank the people who have made this review possible by providing the demo kite. First of all, a big thank you to Thorsten Mikus, the designer, who has provided three different kites for US demo. Thanks also to Paul Debakker of Goodwinds & Focus Kites who brought the kites back with him from a trip to Europe and who mailed them out to me. Finally to Jürgen Denzinger of Kites Ireland who put me in touch with Thorsten and got the ball rolling.

    over and out ... :-O
    - Editiert von Inselpinsel am 08.06.2011, 14:58 -

    Zitat von Rudolf

    Abstufungen in der Produktqualität oder in den Eigenschaften sind sinnvoll. Sie sollten aber bei Markteinführung auf einen Schlag vorgeführt werden. Ich fühle mich vorgeführt und getäuscht, wenn ich mir ein Produkt kaufe und einige Monate später inseriert der Hersteller, dass der Artikel auch hochwertiger zu haben ist. Warum dann nicht gleich eine ausgereifte, abgestufte Produktpalette offerieren?

    Ausgereift? Ich stehe auf > Kaizen. :H:

    Hier ein paar Detailbilder der Perle:-

    War zu faul zum Übersetzten, ihr kriegt das schon gebacken... ;)

    The noses are made of lorry covering material.

    The Black Pearl std has a 15g brass weight INSIDE the spine and a leech line (blue).

    Yoyo stops made of EXEL connectors. DACRON tape as leading edge tunnel.

    Upper spreader connector APA tiny. White sail material KC3 / 28g per m2.

    Nitros as lower spreaders; connector is a APA size D. Blue sail Icarex 30g, which is more like 34g/m2.

    Stand-off connectors on the sail side with screws. Re-inforcement with laminated mylar (black).

    Re-inforcement of trailing edge (white).