Beiträge von Alban

    The French kite boutique sells this material:

    Tissu synthétique perforé


    Marc, Roelof und ich haben etwa 45 Teammanöver animiert und beschrieben!

    Sie sind alle auf

    Wir hoffen, dass dies helfen könnte, bald zusammen fliegen zu können!

    Hier die Liste der Manöver:


    follow, stop, up, left, right, down, face up, face down, face left, face right, to the edges, 180, stop in the middle, 180 clock, 180 anti clock, turn up, turn down, slide right , slide up, slide left, slide down, 50% face up, 100% face right, 2 tip landing, tip landing, odd face up, even face down, forward, reverse, in line, Ball, Fast burst / Slow Burst / Slow burst 2 steps, Passing through, Inside ball, Pinwheel, Radar down / Radar up / Radar 90 / Radar 180, Cascade, Cascade complete, Pair change / Middle pair change / Change, Transfer from top / Transfer from bottom, Position change, Diamonds / Split diamonds, Zip out / Zip in, San Diego slide, Texas slide, In grid, U-turn, Line start

    Habt Spaß!



    English version


    Marc, Roelof and I have animated about 45 team maneuvers!

    They are all on

    We hope this could help us to fly together soon!

    Here the list of maneuvers:


    follow, stop, up, left, right, down, face up, face down, face left, face right, to the edges, 180, stop in the middle, 180 clock, 180 anti clock, turn up, turn down, slide right , slide up, slide left, slide down, 50% face up, 100% face right, 2 tip landing, tip landing, odd face up, even face down, forward, reverse, in line, Ball, Fast burst / Slow Burst / Slow burst 2 steps, Passing through, Inside ball, Pinwheel, Radar down / Radar up / Radar 90 / Radar 180, Cascade, Cascade complete, Pair change / Middle pair change / Change, Transfer from top / Transfer from bottom, Position change, Diamonds / Split diamonds, Zip out / Zip in, San Diego slide, Texas slide, In grid, U-turn, Line start

    Have fun!


    Please be aware that the European calls and the US calls are different.

    We will try to make the differences as clear as possible soon and try to avoid confusion!

    We will focus on the european vocabulary in the next days!

    Thank you for your support!

    A first US team maneuver is available: blender with 4, 6, 8 and 10 kites!

    Figure "blender" -
    Nous venons de simuler une première figure en équipe. Elle est appelée « blender » aux Etats-Unis (« mixeur » en français). Elle est constituée de 7…

    We will start publishing the just4fun figures soon!


    Hello, is online!

    You can run megateam flight simulations and read our project for the future!

    We thank all the people who support us.

    You can translate in the language you want on the top of web pages.

    You have the information in preview. We will share on Facebook in the next few days.

    Please share your feedback, your impressions and your suggestions with us in order to improve and develop the site!

    Have fun!


    DEUTSCHE VERSION (Thank you Marc !!)

    Hallo, ist online!

    Sie können Megateam-Flugsimulationen ausführen und unser Projekt für die Zukunft lesen!

    Wir danken alle Menschen, die uns unterstützen.

    Sie können oben auf der Webseite in die gewünschte Sprache übersetzen

    Sie haben die Informationen in der Vorschau. Wir werden in den nächsten Tagen auf Facebook teilen.

    Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihr Feedback, Ihre Eindrücke und Ihre Vorschläge mit, um die Seite zu verbessern und weiterzuentwickeln!

    Viel Spass !


    We have already received more than 80 answers from FR and EN forms!
    Thank you for your support! It's very encouraging!
    You can still fill up the form by October 28 if you have not participated yet!

    The final results of this survey will be published on our future website.