Eine Zeitachse der Drachen-Geschichte

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo zusammen,

    mein Fundstück der Woche im WWW:

    The Time Line of Kite History:

    "The time line of kite history is filled with many interesting events and inventions. The time line spans thousands of years and embraces events and inventions from a wide variety of nations."


    Beste Grüße

    (No trees were harmed in posting this message, however a significant number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.)

    Vielen Dank für den sehr interessanten Link!

    Andre Eibel: SCALPEL MAXI "The Hulk",CUTLASS 160 Proto/CUTLASS 180/CUTLASS 180 #6/Colibri XL
    Günter Wolsing: Flaki 9.0 /Flaki 6.0 / Long Dart Junior Starkwind / Lady Dart Starkwind
    Peter Laudanski: Lindenberger Schirmdrachen
    Steiff/Wolfram Wannrich: Roloplane 90/2, 120/2, 210/2, 240/3, 240/4, 120/2 Kielroloplan/Rhomboid