Blue Moon Kites, sad news...

    Ken McNeill Blue Moon Kites

    "A little news...

    I've decided to close Blue Moon after my existing orders are completed.

    Jon, at SkyBurner Kites, has agreed to take over long-term support and repairs on the BMK kites. I set this up because I probably won't have the parts and materials on hand to provide service as needed. Shorter term, you can still reach me for help with any problems of questions.

    The main website will go dark next week, but the forum will stay up, at least until the end of the year. The Blue Moon page on Facebook will come down in a few weeks. I'm working on a new site at for future projects, which will go live in about two weeks. You're welcome to subscribe to my RSS feed at

    Not sure yet what I'm going to do, but I do have some other projects in the works. Thank you all, for your business and support over the years, as well as many of you, for your friendship. After my orders are done, I'm taking a few days off to map out a new direction. Going to disappear into the hills with my fly rod and camera.

    Take care, and good winds. See you out there..."

    Ken McNeill

    ... nun ja - alles hat seine Zeit. Ich kann das sehr gut verstehen!

    Vielen Dank an Ken für viele Drachen, die uns große Freude bereitet haben!
    Alles Gute und die besten Wünsche für die drachenlose Zukunft!

    Viele Grüße

    Gleichfalls meine besten Wünsche und Danke nochmals an Norbert der mir einen seiner Mambas vermacht hatte! ;)

    Grüsse vom Bodensee
