Ginga - Fightergleiter Gleiterfighter

  • Hallo Ihr,

    Ein Post aus die Niederlande, entschuldigen mein Deutsch.

    Gratuliere zum Ginga, sieht gut aus! Die neue Ventilierung interessiert mich im Besonderen; haben Sie ripstop Nylon auf das Icarex(?) genäht, und dann die Löcher ausgeschnitten? Weil ich einen meine Drachen "Venten" möchte, orientiere ich mich an verschiedene Techniken. Sein nach Ihrer Meinung die Löcher mit Gaze ins Original stärker für sehr aufgespannte Segels?

    Ich liebe das Wörterbuch Niederländisch/Deutsch!

    Danke für das lesen,


  • Hi Christophe,

    Zitat von Lucane

    You are lucky (compared to the US builder) that the Decathlon shops are present in Germany; where you can find the central connector and the glass fiber that are the central elements of the making.

    Yes, but there are only a few stores across the country and I can't find them in the Online-Shop :-/


    Hi Katrien,

    Zitat von Katrien

    haben Sie ripstop Nylon auf das Icarex genäht, und dann die Löcher ausgeschnitten?

    Ich denke das ist selbstklebendes Dacron, wie man es auch bei ähnlich ventilierten Lenkdrachen sieht. Da das Dacron steifer als das Tuch ist, werden die Öffnungen gut in Form gehalten


  • Hi Katrien,

    you might want to have a look at a sailmakers shop, the right stuff is ensign-cloth, that's the self-adhesive dacron used for class-signatures and numbers in the sails of sailing-boats. It's probably the same stuff as the dacron available in kite-stores Mike has mentioned, but if you want to have a look at it before buying, it's probably easier to find a sailmaker in Holland (as in Hamburg) than a kite-store...


    "Kann ich bitte Deine Kekse haben?"

  • Thanks for the info. Have been looking into it, but I guess the Dacron way is too expensive compared to the gauze way. I still have some leftover insect-screen from building my kitebag, so will go with that. If/when my budget grows, I'll re-assess this use :)

  • Hey Katrien,
    ... hope for you that your budget rises to make to you your wishes attainnable! however sometimes something like that at last.
    Whith dear greetings from the former airfield.

  • Hello,
    Some replies for the fabric: I use Chikara (nylon), but I also made one in Icarex. Both yield the correct shape but chikara is perfectly sufficient, there isn't much tension on the sail, except along the spine where the fabric must stretch to avoid plies and give the correct shape. Hence better to have nylon. I hot cut the holes for venting, not hemming, although I have to admit that the result looks great. I used kite specifi gaze but any insect screen will work too. I made other vented kites simply with insect screen and that works fine.
    Concernng the Decathlon fittings, especially th central cross, it is made by Eolo Gayla and can be found on line. The central glass fiber section must be rather flexible. You can play on its length and position of the central cross to gan the correct tensionning but why not try with a 3mm spar.
    Bon vent,