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Einige von euch wissen vermutlich, dass ich mich grad in Neuseeland aufhalte.
Nun bin ich zufaellig in Nelson auf das jaehrliche Drachenfest gestossen, wo erstaunlicherweise viele Flysurfer unterwegs waren.
Hab mich dann noch mit dem Flysurfer-Importeur unterhalten und beschlossen rein aus informativer Sicht sein Statement zu Flysurfer und dem Drachenfest hier online zu setzen, dass es alle lesen koennen.
Sehr interessant fand ich, dass Peter Lynn persoenlich da war, die 15er FS Speed3 geflogen ist und absolut begeistert von ihr war :o :p
Im Anschluss noch ein paar Bilder beim Boarden.
Hi to all. The resurrection of discussion over the Speed 3 and its undeniable qualities and possible shortcomings is of great interest to me. I'm not qualified to offer my own opinions yet but as the New Zealand importer for Flysurfer we held our first public display in my home town of Nelson as part of its annual kite festival, a major event for land based kite enthusiasts from around the country.
In contrast to perhaps one to three flysurfer kites in NZ when Sebastian (Bubman) visited in early 2008, we had a good range of kites on display including an Outlaw 10, 15m Speed 3, 19m Speed 2, 12m & 15m Psycho 4, 14m Pulse 2 Deluxe -all available for testing by the land board and buggy enthusiasts in attendance.
In addition to our local contingent we've had a recent visit from Flysurfer agents in Keil, Germany (Sven & Gita) who boosted Flysurfer's presence at our local beach with their own 6 Flysurfer kites.
On the day of the festival Maurice Tollmien (alias Drachenschmid) from H2O, St Peter Ording, rolled up out of nowhere and proceeded to demonstrate some sensational land boarding skills with his own impressive wardrobe of Flysurfer kites.
First and foremost it has to be said that everyone I've spoken to has expressed extremely high praise of the Speed 3. Previous criticism of it in this forum had caused me to hold back on my order but recent conversations persuaded me they really were as good as claimed.
Over this event there was barely a time when a Speed 3 wasn't flying during the 2 days of the event and many of those flying one for the first time were absolute gluttons -there was no effort on their part to cut their time with the kite short!
Peter Lynn as usual was a major attraction at this festival and had several early kites and buggies on display as well as their large single line display kites. He took the opportunity to buggy with the standard 15m Speed 3 and commented that the kite was "almost faultless". The next day he told me he was amazed at the stability achieved in the Speed 3 and its high aspect profile and that the effort put into achieving this success was outstanding. Whereas previously, Peter's kites were the predominant brand there were few to be seen this year though a local C quad exponent still shows off the capibilities of this very early development in kites.
Craig Hansen, a vital team member in the first successful Sahara kite buggy crossing in late 2009 and now running Peter's NZ operation was in attendance but much of his work was with the large display kites. He did however have a very good play on the kite extracting good speed and sustaining some impressive jumps, also expressing pleasure at the Speed 3's handling and performance.
This combined with Maurice's landboarding display of tricks on his own "historic" Speed 3 and those of our local riders Brad Canton, Chris Hedwig and Reuben with his Deluxe 15m Speed 3 kept the profile of Flysurfer high over the entire event.
More work on the kitesufing front is imminent and it will be interesting to see what works in marketing to this foil averse market.
Kevin Rooke
Adventure Paragliding, Kitesurfing and Hang Gliding NZ Ltd.
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