Danke für Ihnen hilfe!
Danke für Ihnen hilfe!
I try to keep to english...
It would be very nice to meet you at our workshop. And it would even be very nice to have a look at your very nice litle fly aka Muslinca! I realy like the look of that kite!
Nice to have you in the forum. I realy would like to have a Muslinca on my own. Do you share planes of it? I would love to build one!
There is a second wonderful kite on your page: http://komikite.hu/?hu/sarkanyok.html
Is this one of your own design too?
Tiggr (aka Marcus)
PS: Please excuse my someway brainbending bad english!
Hello Everybody! this case specially Tiggr!
Thanks for translating some texts for me.
I do understand that building kites is a big challange for everyone-also for me.
Internet helped me to show my kite for the whole World. Also gives the possibility for everyone to copy my idea.
So, from my point of view it was much better to make Muslinca species for everyone who likes it rather than spreading out the plan.
Normally I sell it for 40 Euros but not as a business. (colours can be chosen)
I'm a cabinet maker and the folding idea came from the bendsaw's blade bending sysem.
Yes, the other kite is my development too, I'm still working on it. I love to build and fly kites that drives me to figure out new ones.
PS: if anyone copies my kite PLEASE make a sign on it that says : design by komi/komikite (the idea comes from Horvath.ch) thanks a lot
I will try to visit a festival of yours this summer and there I could introduce Muslinca for everyone
Jo szelet! Good winds
Cooles Teil :H:
Valentine Day Special! (Valentine Kite)
Ich habe es gemacht gestern abend für meinem Frau! Sie ist so glücklich. Es war einem Überraschung.
Ich wünche eine schön Tag für Drachenforum!
Valentine Kite!
I've made it as a suprise for my wife. She is so happy with it.
I wish you all a very nice day!
- Editiert von komi am 14.02.2010, 07:36 -[dfthumb]null[/dfthumb] komikite
- Editiert von komi am 14.02.2010, 07:46 -
Dieses ?
Donnas Dog!
Thx. It is also a muslinca, only flattened out yet. More photos on flickr: komikite- those show the ready version.
Ich habe Müllsäcke in verschiedenen Farben, da könnte ich bunte Muster zusammenbasteln
Hello Maxi,
The very first piece was made of trashbag and bamboo curtain stick. I'm almost sure about it could be made of plasstic bag as well.
muslinca prototype
Best regards
Ich gehe nach Deutchland für drei wochen im Juni. Ob du bist interresant im mein drache Muslinca bitte schreibe mir. Wir können Muslinca fliegen im Weimar (neben Dortmund)
Hello Everyone,
I'll be in Weimar for three weeks close to Dortmund (in June). If you are interested in flying a Muslinca please send me a note .
Have a nice day!
(off topic: We will make a workshop for about a hundred children tomorrow, please cheer for us. They will get bamboo sticks and some special plastic combined paper for building kites)
ZitatOriginal von komi
(...) please cheer for us. (...)
I am sure, all of you are going to have a lot of fun and your workshop will be a great success. Keep us posted! :H:
Ich möchte zu teilen den Tag eine neue Entdeckung: ein guter Hut Mücken. Drachenspielen während des Platzens der regen ...
Gruss, Kapos
Hi Karsten!
Thank you for your interest.
Last year we went to the Ethnographic Museum (Néprajzi Múzeum) wich is one of the most beautiful museum in Hungary. During an event we could flying our indoor kites in this museum. (our kites were: Urban Ninja, Urban Ninja-The Bad, Muslinca-Fruit-Fly)
On the picture you can see one of the museum's window - stained glass inlay.
Off topic:
Ich möchte wissen, ob da ein Drachenfest in der Umgebung von Dortmund wird(vom30Maj bis 18Jun). Und gibt es ein Geschäft für Drachen in der Umgebung von Dortmund oder Werne?
I'd like to know if there is gonna be a Fest (from the 30th of May till 18th of June) around Dortmund. Also looking for a shop around that I could get in...
Also' would be happy to inform you that there is going to be a Festival at Pakozd this weekend. More informations can be found
at kitesport.hu
Thanx for your help