Referat Powerkitng/KLB!?!?!

    nachdem ich dein handout schon mal überarbeitet habe werd ich jtzt mal kurz über deinen Leitfaden drüberschauen.

    Powerkiting and Kitelandboarding.

    Kitelandboarding is a funsport, you need basically three components:
    -a landboard
    -a kite
    -a harness
    -and the armours

    The landboard is a mixture of a snowboard and a skateboard.
    While riding you have the feeling of snowboarding, but steering is like on a skateboard.
    For jumping and more control while kitelandboarding there are some footstraps.
    If you want to ride downhill, you can use some wheelstraps, of course.
    The main difference between a skateboard an a all terrain board are the air filled wheels. They compensate the uneveness of the grassland.
    On some boards there is a grabhandle between the two footstraps.
    You can use them for carrying your board, or for tricks an styles while jumping and flying.

    The mostly used kite is propably a de-power one.
    You can control the occur power and the lift of the kite much better.
    Some uses fourliner-kites for kitelandboarding. This is a little bit more difficult.
    Most of the de-powerkites are foilkites. You steer the kite with four or five lines.
    the fith line is the security line on the the foilkite.
    If you open the safety device, your kite has no more power, it comes down to the ground.

    And don't forget your safety. You have to protect your head, your knees and your back.
    So you wear a helmet, kneelers a backprotector and use a panic hoes.
    The panic hoes helps you disconnect from your kite at crashes and hard squalls.
    Never trigger the panic hoes in airtimes, because then you're falling down, to the ground and you can brake your bones even with your protections.

    You have to train a lot. If you're advanced, you can try jumps and other tricks.
    In airtime you're able to do boardoffs and kiteloops for example.
    For the boardoffs you take your feets out of the Footstraps and carry the Board with the grabhandle.
    A kiteloop is a completely spin of the Kite while you are up in the air.

    There are many other tricks to try some are known out of skate- and snowboarding.

    i wish you always good wind. And remember: Safety first!
    Never underestimate the wower of wind, and never overestimate Your own abilities.

    So long.

    hoffe dass es dir so passt.

    Gruß Daniel


    Flysurfer Sonic FR 15qm
    Flysurfer Sonic FR 9qm
    Flysurfer Peak2
    Flysurfer Viron2
    Flysurfer Speed4

    Ozone Manta MIII 12qm
    Ozone Access XC 10qm

    aber "grassy" fand ich echt super ;)



    Peter Lynn Reactor 2.2 / Reactor 2.9 / Reactor 3.8 / Reactor 4.9 / Reactor 6.4 / Reactor 8.3 / Ozone Yakuza 3.4 / Yakuza 4.0 / Yakuza 5.0 / Yakuza 6.0 / Yakuza 7.3 / Yakuza 10.0 /
    Buggy BBS Cruiser pimped
    Hier wird man geholfen

    naja, da shat der onlineübersetzer ausgespuckt.....

    danke nochmal auf jedenfall, halfmoon, du bist mei held.....
    du bekommst einen ehrenplatz in den credits von der prästentation... ;)


    "Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
    - William Gibson


    Original von Bodenanker
    naja, da shat der onlineübersetzer ausgespuckt.....

    danke nochmal auf jedenfall, halfmoon, du bist mei held.....
    du bekommst einen ehrenplatz in den credits von der prästentation... ;)


    *Lachend untern Tisch rutscht....*
    *Langsam wieder am Schreibtisch hochzieht...*

    ...ich käm mir nen bissel vera lbert vor...

    just my 2 cent

    Cheers :L

    das waren keine 5 minuten arbeit habe nur die fehler als ichs mir durchgelesen habe die mir sofort aufgefallen sind rausgenommen.
    viel erfolg mit dem Referat.

    Ps.: ich zieh mich grad auch unterm tisch wieder hoch. ^^ehrenplatz ich komme^^

    Gruß Daniel


    Flysurfer Sonic FR 15qm
    Flysurfer Sonic FR 9qm
    Flysurfer Peak2
    Flysurfer Viron2
    Flysurfer Speed4

    Ozone Manta MIII 12qm
    Ozone Access XC 10qm

    Amagron, naja, net ganz..... aber was solls, abends um zwölf, oder so....da ist man froh, überhaupt noch was auf die beine zu kriegen,,.... ;)

    naja, auch wenss keine arbeit war, aber trotzdem danke.....
    und der ehrenplatz ist ernst gemeint... :D


    "Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
    - William Gibson

    immer wieder gerne.
    Hoffe dass das was wird unterstützen tu ich sowas immer gern.
    viel erfolg.

    wann musst es denn halten?

    Gruß daniel


    Flysurfer Sonic FR 15qm
    Flysurfer Sonic FR 9qm
    Flysurfer Peak2
    Flysurfer Viron2
    Flysurfer Speed4

    Ozone Manta MIII 12qm
    Ozone Access XC 10qm

    tja, eigentlich am mittwoch, aber da die beamer nicht gingen.... (also meine beamer geht immer, wenn etwas wind ist... *lol* )

    nächstem mittwoch ist frei, also erst in zwei wochen, montag oder dienstag, schätze ich...


    "Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
    - William Gibson