Avia/Structil weights

  • Sorry, in english but you can answer in german or in french ! :D

    Hi all !

    The Structil spar's weight in grams/meter is given by the formula :

    [(D + d) x [D - d)] x 1.255, where :

    D = outside diameter
    d = inside diameter

    For example, for a 8 mm O.D. spar : W = [(8 + 6) x (8 - 6)] x 1.255 = 35.1 g/m

    On the Avia Sport website, I have seen that the .312 (8 mm) rod had a weight of 28.2 g/m... and for a 101 cm (40") spar.

    Is that true ? No mistake ?

    I thought that Avia was heavier than Structil ?

    Thanks in advance, :H:

  • no, it's true!

    the Formular depents of the different specified Weight of the used Carbon/Epoxi.

    but i can measure the both Spars and send you the details later.


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