Itrix take off help
Do you think of a sleeping beauty where the kite is rotated (something like a half backspin) and then launched? I know that this move works with the ITrix, but I am afraid that I cannot explain it to you now.
I can try to make a short movie and to get some words of explanation next weekend when your problem is not solved until then.
Dear Tullo,
my experience with an ITrix is very limited, but the following should work - at least when your lines are not longer than 4 meters and the ground is smooth.
Try this:
Hold both line ends in your right hand and lay the lines throug the loop made by index finger and thumb of the left hand. Move backwards and spread your arms simultaneously, thus dragging the kite on the floor nose towards you and belly up and effectively shortening the distance between your left hand and the kite. When your arms are fully spread, move slightly counterclockwise and grip both lines with your left hand. Sling the kite into an up and over motion by swinging the extended left arm into a clockwise circular motion (backwards, upwards, forwards). As soon as the kite is airborne, carefully release the grip of your left hand, grab the left line end with your left hand and continue to fly.Probably the above said sounds harder than it looks. E-mail me and I'll send you a small video of the move if you are interested.
Best regards,
scar -
Thanks for your help Christian and Scar, I'll try again next sunday and I let you know, anyway if it isn't a problem to send me yours video I really appreciate !
my email address: tullol@tin.it
Best regards.
Tullo -
yesterday I have tried again and sometimes I can do that kind of take-off.
The problem maybe is that the bridle wrap around the yoyo stopper when the itrix is rotating, so I try to take off the yoyo stopper and the belly up take-off was easily. Of course I will have problem to do yoyo, but unfortunatley at the moment that trick it's too difficoult for me indoor....
Best regards and smooth flights!
Tullo -
Original von Milindur
Which yo-yo-stoppers do you have? Do you have these short parts of a flexible tube?