Die gleiche Frage wurde im Kite Connection Forum gestellt und das ist die Antwort von Eric Allen:
ZitatTricks-axel, flic-flak in any position, pancake, backflip, comete (I was doing this move before it had a name), reverse tip stand (this is a landing on both tips but facing the other way), fade (standard revs don't hold it, though), flyover (le towards you, tips away, floating-tough to hold as well), reverse LE landing (on the LE but facing the other way), strobe, coin toss, cascade & fountain. Combos: 540's, 1/2 axel to backflip. Then there's the 3d and indoor stuff, and all the advanced bits of standard rev flying-quick turn to hover, horizontal ladder, 16th clock, reverse circles, outside slide circles. It's tough to do the latest rollup tricks, b/c you lose quadline effect. Standard revs don't really float either...
:kirre: also es gibt noch viel zu tun...