Hallo Alle,
Im Juli wird es einen "Blue Moon" geben, das heisst zwei Vollmonde in einem Monat.
Daher wurde in nem amerikanischen Forum (gwtw-kites) die Idee geboren, am 31.7. einen weltweiten Blue Moon Kite Fly durchzuführen, sprich alle Besitzer von Blue Moon Kites sollten an diesem Tag ihren Drachen fliegen :))
Wer sich daran beteiligen will kann mir ne PM schicken und ich leite das dann weiter. Falls ihr Fotos macht und die auch ins Netz gestellt werden können, ebenfalls ne PM an mich.
Hier der Originalaufruf von boomertype:
July 31st, depending where you are, you will be subject to a Blue Moon. http://www.obliquity.com/astro/blue2004.html
What is a Blue Moon? http://www.obliquity.com/astro/bluemoon.html
Okay, now that those two things are over, I think we need to have a worldwide BMK fly on July 31st. Take a look at the first link to find you exact time for the Blue Moon where you're at and get a BMK into the air.
At an earlier stage of my life I was a very active boomeranger, hence the alias. On New Years Eve, it's a tradition with rang'rs to throw a lighted boomerang (tiny cyalum sticks) just before midnight and make a catch after midnight. The lore goes that doing so, a throw and a catch will result in a prosperous New Year. Groups get together to celebrate and throw-into the new year.
I was thinking we need to do the same with Blue Moon Kites, everybody find their time on the chart listed above and get one in the air. Or two or more. Our next opportunity is in 2007. This year it falls on a Saturday, so most of us should be off work.
I will be in NC visiting my daughter and her family. So, I'm planning to be on the beach in Wilmington, NC, Wrightsville Beach to be exact. I will be hoisting at least two BMK's before 1405 and will keep them airborne past the appointed moment. I'll be flying my Ichiban and my Mamba, maybe the Moonie UL if the winds are light enough. What an opportunity to fly them in the fine state of NC, their birthplace.
I've spoken to Ken, and I'm sure he'll be hoisting one too.
So, if you're interested in the 1st BMK Worldwide Fly-in on a Blue Moon Day, let me know here and I'll keep a listing of sites where Fly-in's will occur.