QUESTION (in english... my german language is too poor, sorry)
Ron Graziano (US champion, RonG) has writen about basic STX bridle adjustments (updated version) :
Original version (extract) :
"MOVING KNOT D outwards (towards wing) :
Bad : wider turn radius, wider spin.
Good : improve precision (more stable, less twitchy).
MOVING KNOT D INWARDS (towards spine) :
Bad : makes the kite more twitchy.
Good : tighter spins."
And RonG explains the interaction of the displacements of the knots due to the bridle design (1).
Thus, wider space between tow points => wider turn radius.
Is that true for all bridles (static & active) ?
PRO (active bridle)
- Mark Reed, rec.kites 11.05.1997 & Bridle adjustments at the center T fitting.
- Marty Sasaki, rec.kites 10.08.1995 & forum GWTW 17.05.2004.
- Paul May.
CONTRA (static or active bridle)
- Andy Wardley, rec.kites 9.06.1997 (end of point 3)) & Tuning a Dihedral Active Brilde (alinea 8).
- Bert Tanaka, rec.kites 14.07.1994 & 1.02.1995.
- Marty Sasaki, rec.kites 8.08.1995.
- Peter de Jong (Dual line kites, 5th problem).
- Peter Peter's (Adjusting, alineas 3 & 4).
With wider space between the 2 tow points and same bridle depth, you can tilt more the kite => you can tilt more the aerodynamic force => you can tighten more the turn (2).
If you move the knots D outwards => tow points moves upwards (interaction (1)) => angle of attack reduces => aerodynamic force reduces.
If you reduce the aerodynamic force while turning => wider turn radius (2).
Perhaps the variation of the angle of attack has more effects than the variation of the bank angle ?
But, with a turbo bridle, when you increase the angle of bank of the kite, you increase the angle of attack => aerodynamic force increases.
And, if you pay attention to interaction (1), you move the tow points only outwards.
Thus, I think that, with static or active bridle, wider space between tow points
=> tighter turn radius.
=> more precision.
I think that RonG confuses precision with wide turn and radicalness with tight turn ?
(1) Bert Tanaka, rec.kites 27.06.1993.
Attention to the type of bridle : European kites vs USA kites (Peter de Jong).
(2) R = V^2/a (Object Motion with Side Force, Nasa GRC).
R = radius of curvature
V = velocity
a = acceleration generated by the side force
- Editiert von Gerard P. am 26.06.2004, 17:45 -