Taschenstoff von Chill-out

  • Kannst jemand mich hilfen ?

    Wie schwer ist die schwere taschenstoff (275 gram/m) von Chill-out ? Wie dacron, wie gurtband, wie "normale" rücksacken ???

    Ich habe die taschenstoff von Metropolis gekauft, aber die ist nicht so schwer (sieht aus wie dacron, finde ich).

    Vielen dank


    And in case my german is too horrible:

    How thick is the thick "Bag-fabric" from Chill-out ? -Like dacron or Seatbelt or somewhere in between ?

    I have bought the fabric they have at Metropolis, but that is almost like dacron, I think - I want something thicker...

    :) Morten

  • Hi Morten,

    it's very heavy and rigid. Its to rigid to build a kite bag for one kite. It's somewhere between Dacron and Seatbelt. One side is gummed, so this material is waterproof.
    I don't like this thick material, next time I#M going to order the thinner material they offer too.



    -- "Ich bin hier Patient sowas wird von mir erwartet !" --

    Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you
    Terry Pratchett

  • Hi Bertram

    Thanks - sounds like it's the kind I want! (I want to build a roll-up bag from Florian's plans).

    :) Morten

  • I don't like this material too.
    Its not only gummed but it's laminate with a gummed coarse fabric and a fineley woven fabric.

    Eike W.

  • Hi Morten,
    I have bought the same material, and for similiar application. This fabric is not as heavy as some of the industrial made bags, but more stiffer than the normal kitebag material.
    I will build a more conventional one - with zipper and single pockets.
    I think, this Material is right for our usage.
    Don't worry, make a start and it will work!

  • Hi Morten,

    if Your'e going to build a roll-up bag it should work with the thick material.



    -- "Ich bin hier Patient sowas wird von mir erwartet !" --

    Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you
    Terry Pratchett

  • Hi Morten,

    I've used thinner material for my Roll-Up-Bag. It worked just fine. I had no problems in building the bag an up until now (I have it in use for nearly a year now) I couldn't find any disadvantages coming from this material.

