HILFE! - Alternativ zum Flexifoil gestänge ???

  • Hi all

    Sorry for writing in english, but my German is quite poor...

    I have found the plans for a "Speedfoil" (described as a cousin of the Flexifoil) on the net (Kite Plan Base). It looks pretty straight forward, but the Materials list calls for "1 set of standard Flexifoil spars" which from what I can see should be "tapered glass fiber spars, approx. 185cm long, 8mm in the middle and 4mm at the ends". I cannot find these any where So the question is, do any of you have any suggestions for a suitable replacement ??? Maybe 2 Skyshark PT-series (101cm) feruled or ???


    Any ideas are welcome...


  • Hi Morten,

    the Flexifoil spars are very special. You can't use Skyshark or other carbon rods because You need bevelled glas fibre spars. As only theese spars will allow the foil to build the right profile.

    Somewhere in the net i found a flexifoil plan using fishing rods as spars, as they are bevelled too. Maybe this will help You. Otherwise the only solution is to order the spars from flexifoil or Your local dealer.



    -- "Ich bin hier Patient sowas wird von mir erwartet !" --

    Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you
    Terry Pratchett

  • Thanks Bertram

    How about this wild idea ?

    I take a 4mm solid glass fiber rod 185cm, and then slide a 120cm 6mm glass fiber rod over it, and then finally slide a 60cm 8mm glass fiber rod over that. That would give me a glass fiber rod that is solid and sort of tapering from 8mm in the middle to 4mm in the ends.

    Is this just a stupid idea or what is your experience, if any ?

    :) Morten

  • Hi Morten,

    hmmm, in the way you describe ist you would increase the diameter of the spar in three steps. The Flexifoil spars are meant to bend into a smooth arc when the kite is in the air, so that the wingtips move down and the typical flexifoil-shape can be seen. This shape is important for the kite to build up power. With spars that do not bend in the right way it could be hard to achieve this shape. But Bertram's idea with the fishing-rods could work, even though I believe the Flexi-Spars are stiffer then fishing-rods (I don't have any fishing rods here, so I can't say for sure).
    If you want your kite to fly like the original flexifoils I would recommened you order the original spar from flexifoil, even though they're quite expensive.



  • hallo Morten

    Entschuldige bitte das ich nicht in E schreibe, ich kann zwar Text halbwegs verstehen aber schreiben ;)

    Also ich hab das Gestänge noch bei fly-high in Wien bekommen und vielleicht hast du ja auch noch Glück und kannst was bestellen. Versand ist auch kein Problem.
    Du musst unbedingt anfragen (e-mail) denn in der Webseite ist es glaube ich nicht zu finden.
    Die Leute tun sich mit englisch überhaupt nicht schwer ;) so wie ich

    bis dann fritz