Benson Kites Gemini Sportkite Oostvoorne | IckyTV

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    Spring has been record breaking rainy and very windy. The forecast was finally looking promising. Rode my bike from Rotterdam to Oostvoorne beach to fly a kite I bought second hand in 2007: the Benson Gemini. This is the classic version with the Structil frame and some mods: bridle, rollbars, trickline, tailweight. Last time I flew it was in 2017. Still a lot of fun. Enjoy!

    The modern version of the Gemini is still available from Benson Kites:

    Benson Kites: Gemini

  • I also have one of those classic Geminis. And I'm always debating with myself if I should mod it or leave it as it is. The Video is giving the modding voices in my head a strong push

  • I also have one of those classic Geminis. And I'm always debating with myself if I should mod it or leave it as it is. The Video is giving the modding voices in my head a strong push

    Yeah, I did the modifications back then in 2007/2008 or something based on the pimp your gem article and ABW's bridle. It's a hard one... Right now I would probably keep it original and maybe look for a modern Gemini instead.