Level One - ONE Sportkite | IckyTV

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    The ONE by German kite manufacturer Level One is a so called "Cruiser Kite" developed by Peter Maternus (PAW). It's slow and precise and suitable for beginners. Not specifically designed for tricks (no yoyo stoppers for instance), however it is capable of freestyle moves. The shape is rather unusual and no upper spreader and leech line are fitted in this kite. Flown with short lines at De Zandmotor beach in a smooth winter breeze. Enjoy!

  • karel_oh

    Thank you so much for all the amazing videos you keep showing us !

    In der Tasche: Alphakites X, Kitehouse Cosmic Std & UL, Ghost, Designkites Define Mark 2, Flexifoil Psycho, R'Sky Toxic

    Ich wünsche mir: Nix mehr 8o