CR/KRD Fury Standard | IckyTV

  • Beautiful October weather with very light wind so I rode my bicycle to the beautiful "Kwade Hoek" beach near Ouddorp. I brought the Fury Standard sportkite I have on loan from Fred Blok (Thanks!!!). The Fury is a full size sportkite aimed at precision/team flying designed and built by Carl Robertshaw (5 time world champion). This particular kite is framed with Skyshark Nitro Strong lower spreaders and P3X leading edges and spine. I love how slow it flies. Slot Machines, Cometes and landings/tip stands are so fun with the fury. Very relaxing. Enjoy the video.

    Check out Carl's website:

    Carl Robertshaw
    Carl Robertshaw is a unique, innovative designer and artist who creates sculptural forms and environments for performance, installations and events.

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  • Very nice flying of one of my absolute favourite kites.

    Thanks for posting :thumbsup:

    Gruß aus Berlin, Carsten