Zeigt her eure Gleiter!

    Indoor Flying beim Drachenclub Aiolos im Rodgau.

    Ich hatte fast nur "Großes" für die kleine Halle dabei: Kiteforge Djinndoor, Douglas K. Stout Bird of Prey 48, Focus Kites Design The Ray and Kevin Sanders Harrier.

    Beim Djinndoor kämpfe ich noch mit der Einstellung der Knotenleiter an den Handles – das war bisher noch nicht erfolgreich.

    Der Bird of Prey ist ein wunderbarer Gleiter – leider ist mit der Kiel Stab gebrochen.

    Den Ray bin ich zum ersten Mal Indoor geflogen – wie erwartet perfekt.

    Und der Harrier ist zu groß und schnell für unsere Halle – ich glaube der wird erst wieder beim Indoor Event in Leipzig (drinnen) zum Einsatz kommen.

    ONE | Chee Wan | Ellison | Gibian | Hampton | KiteLab | Kmac | Level One | Longbottom | Los Hermanos | PLK | Prism | Sanders | Spiderkites | Szalsky Kites

    GLIDER | Chee Wan | Engel | Focus Kite Designs | Horvath | Korvokite | PM Model | Stout | Tan

    FIGHTER | Batman | Lambert | Schwiemann | Quochi

    DUAL | Germing | HQ4 | Kiteforge | Level One | Ulzburger Kites

    QUAD | Elphi | Engel | Flying Smileys Kite | Kiteforge | KQK | L'Atelier | Los Hermanos | Revolution | Trennepohl

    Wie klein der BOP 48 mit den anderen Vögeln wirkt. Dabei finde ich den für die Halle auch schon fast zu gross. Fliege den lieber mit mehr Platz.

    Mein Apus ST ist nach einem Checkup von Chris zurück.

    Fliegt noch besser als vorher und macht auf engstem Raum noch eine gute Figur 8)

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    Was war den in den Checkup alles drin?

    Doch kein Wechsel von Winter- auf Sommersegel :P

    ONE | Chee Wan | Ellison | Gibian | Hampton | KiteLab | Kmac | Level One | Longbottom | Los Hermanos | PLK | Prism | Sanders | Spiderkites | Szalsky Kites

    GLIDER | Chee Wan | Engel | Focus Kite Designs | Horvath | Korvokite | PM Model | Stout | Tan

    FIGHTER | Batman | Lambert | Schwiemann | Quochi

    DUAL | Germing | HQ4 | Kiteforge | Level One | Ulzburger Kites

    QUAD | Elphi | Engel | Flying Smileys Kite | Kiteforge | KQK | L'Atelier | Los Hermanos | Revolution | Trennepohl

    [Long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...]

    Bologna, piazza Maggiore.

    Hq Hybrid 200 and Ninja

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    Indoor Flying beim Drachenclub Aiolos. Diesmal in Dudenhofen in einem größeren Raum mit höherer Decke. Der Bird of Prey ist ein wundervoller, langer und langsamer Gleiter.

    ONE | Chee Wan | Ellison | Gibian | Hampton | KiteLab | Kmac | Level One | Longbottom | Los Hermanos | PLK | Prism | Sanders | Spiderkites | Szalsky Kites

    GLIDER | Chee Wan | Engel | Focus Kite Designs | Horvath | Korvokite | PM Model | Stout | Tan

    FIGHTER | Batman | Lambert | Schwiemann | Quochi

    DUAL | Germing | HQ4 | Kiteforge | Level One | Ulzburger Kites

    QUAD | Elphi | Engel | Flying Smileys Kite | Kiteforge | KQK | L'Atelier | Los Hermanos | Revolution | Trennepohl

    Boa... ist das heiß. Keine Lust mich zu bewegen.

    ONE | Chee Wan | Ellison | Gibian | Hampton | KiteLab | Kmac | Level One | Longbottom | Los Hermanos | PLK | Prism | Sanders | Spiderkites | Szalsky Kites

    GLIDER | Chee Wan | Engel | Focus Kite Designs | Horvath | Korvokite | PM Model | Stout | Tan

    FIGHTER | Batman | Lambert | Schwiemann | Quochi

    DUAL | Germing | HQ4 | Kiteforge | Level One | Ulzburger Kites

    QUAD | Elphi | Engel | Flying Smileys Kite | Kiteforge | KQK | L'Atelier | Los Hermanos | Revolution | Trennepohl

    Boa... ist das heiß.

    da hilft nur eins

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    Mittagspause in der Stadt...

    ONE | Chee Wan | Ellison | Gibian | Hampton | KiteLab | Kmac | Level One | Longbottom | Los Hermanos | PLK | Prism | Sanders | Spiderkites | Szalsky Kites

    GLIDER | Chee Wan | Engel | Focus Kite Designs | Horvath | Korvokite | PM Model | Stout | Tan

    FIGHTER | Batman | Lambert | Schwiemann | Quochi

    DUAL | Germing | HQ4 | Kiteforge | Level One | Ulzburger Kites

    QUAD | Elphi | Engel | Flying Smileys Kite | Kiteforge | KQK | L'Atelier | Los Hermanos | Revolution | Trennepohl

    Leaving Rome von Thomas Horvath.

    Spannweite von 3.120 mm bei 64 g Gewicht und Flächenbelastung von 37 g/qm. Das Segel ist aus Dyneema Composite Fabric und das Gestänge aus extrem dünnen Carbonrohren. Der Drachen ist sehr genau und präzise gebaut.

    Hier ist auch ein Video:

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    Sehr schönes Video @KrabbelHolgi :thumbsup:

    Danke fürs Zeigen :)

    Der löst mal wieder einen "haben wollen" Reflex aus ;)

    Gruß Alexander

    Ja, mit 312 Spannweite ist das schon ein Monster. Sehr interessant. Sehr gut auch, dass man den mit kurzer und langer Röhre bekommt.

    Aber der Preis ist schon ne Ansage 8|

    ONE | Chee Wan | Ellison | Gibian | Hampton | KiteLab | Kmac | Level One | Longbottom | Los Hermanos | PLK | Prism | Sanders | Spiderkites | Szalsky Kites

    GLIDER | Chee Wan | Engel | Focus Kite Designs | Horvath | Korvokite | PM Model | Stout | Tan

    FIGHTER | Batman | Lambert | Schwiemann | Quochi

    DUAL | Germing | HQ4 | Kiteforge | Level One | Ulzburger Kites

    QUAD | Elphi | Engel | Flying Smileys Kite | Kiteforge | KQK | L'Atelier | Los Hermanos | Revolution | Trennepohl

    Aber der Preis ist schon ne Ansage 8|

    Ja ... hatte auch gleich nach dem Preis geschaut ;) ... und da ist mein "Haben wollen" Reflex gleich wieder "sehr klein" geworden :(

    Gruß Alexander


    Either it's an "unfortunate" video, or it's a glider that doesn't glide like I'd expect from a three-metre "monster". Probably too light, it doesn't have enough inertia to produce a long "clean" glide.

    No, I do not like it.


    Either it's an "unfortunate" video, or it's a glider that doesn't glide like I'd expect from a three-metre "monster". Probably too light, it doesn't have enough inertia to produce a long "clean" glide.

    No, I do not like it.

    The video is unfortunate enough that Thomas uses it as referene in his online shop right now. ;)

    The LR is very different from the other zero wind kites which I got. The frame is very soft in relation to the overall size which means in combination with the miniscule weight that it reacts much more strongly to residue wind than, say, the LWH. You can either use the line to apply corrections then or let the kite do what it wants. This kite is pretty extreme but that it is exactly what makes the LR fun, at least for me. If your goal is maximum gliding distances, the LR is possibly not the right kite for you but that is not a problem because there are many alternatives.

    Yes, it's an extreme conception, I noticed it. But even on the short flight I don't see him gliding, but rather hopping as if he were going down the stairs. But it's true, there are many valid alternatives :)

    Checked the video again - not seeing a lot of dipping. The kite sometimes seem to slow down, I think that is a consequence of aforementioned residue wind and the extremely light construction of the kite. In fact, you can sometimes see movement in the sail itself because it is that soft and there is not lot of tension from the frame. The remaining movement in the air got me actually creatively swearing (fortunately, there was nobody around (I hope)) because the direction was not predictable and changed all the time. Anyway, I have checked out your video from Bologna and if this is your type of flying, my recommendation is to stay far away from the LR. ;)

    Hmm... I can "see" what franconow means.The LR behaves differently than you would expect from a glider of this size. An FKD Manta or Ray would move quite differently.

    But I find that quite interesting and unusual. A clear distinction and different characteristic. You can see the movement of the sail area, the lightness of the construction and the reaction to thermals and impulses on the line.

    It would be interesting to see LR flying Indoor.

    So, keep going... More videos plz :)

    ONE | Chee Wan | Ellison | Gibian | Hampton | KiteLab | Kmac | Level One | Longbottom | Los Hermanos | PLK | Prism | Sanders | Spiderkites | Szalsky Kites

    GLIDER | Chee Wan | Engel | Focus Kite Designs | Horvath | Korvokite | PM Model | Stout | Tan

    FIGHTER | Batman | Lambert | Schwiemann | Quochi

    DUAL | Germing | HQ4 | Kiteforge | Level One | Ulzburger Kites

    QUAD | Elphi | Engel | Flying Smileys Kite | Kiteforge | KQK | L'Atelier | Los Hermanos | Revolution | Trennepohl