90Three Superultralight

  • Summer in Holland! Nothing beats a trip to the beach on a warm day. Brought my 90Three SUL kite with a short lineset (20m) for a short session in a very steady sea breeze. Had a blast! Go build your own!

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  • Hi karel_oh,
    nice clip, outstanding kite , excellent music ...

    Please would you tell me something about the music, I heard it sometime but
    I don't remenber the title and the group.
    I looked for it in my music-collection, but... nothing ...
    Please send me a tipp.

    Thank you!

  • ONE | Chee Wan | Ellison | Gibian | Hampton | KiteLab | Kmac | Level One | Longbottom | Los Hermanos | PLK | Prism | Sanders | Spiderkites | Szalsky Kites

    GLIDER | Chee Wan | Engel | Focus Kite Designs | Horvath | Korvokite | PM Model | Stout | Tan

    FIGHTER | Batman | Lambert | Schwiemann | Quochi

    DUAL | Germing | HQ4 | Kiteforge | Level One | Ulzburger Kites

    QUAD | Elphi | Engel | Flying Smileys Kite | Kiteforge | KQK | L'Atelier | Los Hermanos | Revolution | Trennepohl

  • Well Karel,

    you asked for it. Just finished it the other day.

    Greetings from the top of the Halde Norddeutschland to the coast of the Netherlands.