MugenKites Ziggy Standard | IckyTV

  • Another small video from my Terschelling trip. This time i fly the MugenKites Ziggy STD. Winds were a little offshore and bumpy but the weather was great! The Ziggy is a solid kite, love the way feels in flight and tricks. The Nitro frame works realy well. Thanks once again to Gabor for providing a kite for me to test for a while.

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    • Offizieller Beitrag

    WOW, nice "Taz-Landing" with a perfect cam angle at the beginning of the video! Really nice! :thumbsup:

    Another video that i watched without skipping. ;) Thanks for sharing. :thumbup:

    Drachen müssen knattern & Alle Vierleiner in klassischer Rev-Form fliegen identisch!!! NRG Zero gesucht

    Greetz Timo