OSTK Episode 32: Escape | IckyTV

  • Open Source Trickkites episode 32 features Birger Garbe's (Ulzburger Kites) latest design: Escape. My Escape was delivered by mail and with a forecast of nice wind and weather i just had to go out and give it a spin. Flown at the huge Maasvlakte beach in a smooth sea breeze. First impressions are very good. Love it.

    Topic on drachenforum:
    Bauplan: [Escape] - ein neuer Trickdrachen

    Plan files are available here:


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  • Already watching

    Correction already watched. Good flying as for all of the videos you have produced so far. Always gets me envious.

    BTW there seems to be much noise in the ground area of the video. Was it already quiet dark while filming or did you use a low resolution?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von deadeye5589 ()

  • cooles Video, wo man auch mal den Piloten sieht :thumbsup:

    Den größten Fehler, den man im Leben machen kann, ist, immer Angst zu haben, einen Fehler zu machen.
    (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)


  • Already watching

    Correction already watched. Good flying as for all of the videos you have produced so far. Always gets me envious.

    BTW there seems to be much noise in the ground area of the video. Was it already quiet dark while filming or did you use a low resolution?

    It was very dark allready indeed. I was kind of impressed by the Hero9 still producing a usable image with those low light conditions. With noise that is... :whistling:

  • The whole flight is magnificent, but I can't help looping the sequence that starts at 1:40, the winding of the yoyo from the fade with the overrotation that leads into a dive and the unwinding all the way down. It's sensitive, fluid and beautiful.

    Probably not the most complicated movement, but among the most beautiful.^^

    Does it even have a name?

    Thanks a lot for the inspiring icky videos!