Bauplan: [Escape] - ein neuer Trickdrachen

    Illusion So weit ich weiß ist im Plan ein 25mm Mylar Streifen im Kielbereich vorgesehen, zumindest hab ich das bei meinen Escape's so gemacht.

    Ich habe immer erst das Segel vernäht und danach die Verstärkungen aufgeklebt und Vernäht. Erst Mylar Verstärkungen auf der Rückseite des Segels (Kiel u. Standoff).

    Und dann Kreuz und Scheuerschutz aus Dacron vorne.

    hi,A question has been bothering me.









    555 520 625

    escape escape

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    Roughly translated

    There is one problem that has always bothered me.

    The cloth on the upper side bar is wrinkled

    I was sure it wasn't a production problem, I tried removing the upper horizontal bar, which this wrinkle would be better, but it wouldn't solve the root of the problem.

    One day I decided to get rid of the wrinkle at the root, so I took the kite apart and cut off the excess with a knife.

    Finally I put it up and I did it, I got rid of the wrinkle.

    Yesterday I went to fly it and I noticed that it seemed to be more agile than before, yoyo was faster and the pull had increased a little.

    I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing

    I think it is normal, that there is a wrinkle in the sail. This will help to form the correct shape during flight. Basically the wrinkle will go away, if there is enough wind preasure in the sail. So it can only be seen, when the kite is on the ground. This was the intended design that Birger came up with.

    But I can not say what the impact on the flight performance is, when you cut the sail to remove the wrinkle.

    It's faster, it's easier, and maybe that's not a bad thing, except the kites aren't as elegant as they used to be, but the skin is tighter and more windtight.


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von zhengyu () aus folgendem Grund: Ein Beitrag von zhengyu mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.

    I feel that the wrinkles become faster after they disappear because the wind resistance becomes smaller and the wind relief becomes smoother, so the speed of lying back becomes faster.


    I feel that the wrinkles become faster after they disappear because the wind resistance becomes smaller and the wind relief becomes smoother, so the speed of lying back becomes faster.

    The billow that is created just against the LE might be part of the reason why the Escape has such a wide windrange. The Escape remains slow and with great speedcontrol even in higher winds.

    Making it faster is not a good thing for polyvalent sportkites in my opinion.

    The billow that is created just against the LE might be part of the reason why the Escape has such a wide windrange. The Escape remains slow and with great speedcontrol even in higher winds.

    Making it faster is not a good thing for polyvalent sportkites in my opinion.

    What a clean, smooth tensioned sail - when resting on the ground - means in flight can be experienced with the Superfly. I do not like that. That doesn't correspond to my feeling of flying.

    zhengyu In one of your posts, you wished a slightly faster escape. I'm trying to achieve that with a slightly smaller version. The new kite should move a bit faster in tricks due to its size alone. Let's see if that works. He also gets a new name.

    Stephan SWP Ist ja nur ein Prototyp, warten wir mal ab.

    Zur Idee: Ein weiterer Mini mit 120er LK wäre langweilig geworden. 130er war mir auch zu klein, ein140er ist es dann geworden.

    Wenn der so fliegt wie ich mir das vorstelle, dann wird es wieder einen neuen Bauplan geben.

    Die Daten: Spannweite: 220cm, Leitkante: Exel 6mm/140cm, Spreizen: 5PT/65cm, Kiel: P200/80cm


    Das wird schon werden, bin da sehr guter Dinge.

    Am meisten freut es mich aber, dass du weiterhin aktiv dabei bist🙂. Hoffentlich sehen wir uns nächstes Jahr wieder beim TFT.

    Appreciate it :* . Break is beautiful. I hope everything goes well in the test. Is there a video to watch? ^^


    Das "Problem" an dem verlinkten Kreuz ist, dass du - sofern du mit Aurel Agil 400 baust - keinen 6mm Kielstab hast, sondern satte 7,4mm. Ich kenne das Teil nicht aus eigener Efahrung, aber eventuell kann man das Ding ähnlich wie die Tiny Apas weiten. Käme auf nen Versuch an, oder jemand hier hat das schon gemacht.

    Was mir direkt einfallen würde, wäre das "Kenny Kreuz - 4" von LeveOne.

    Gruß Markus