Game of T.R.I.C.K. #1 | IckyTV

  • Challenge your mates to a game of T.R.I.C.K.
    Rock Paper Scissors to decide who goes first (offence). Offence performs a trick of choice. Defence needs to do the same trick. If defence fails to do the trick he gets a letter. If you have 5 letters you lose. If offence fails his trick (or does it very sketchy), offence/defence roles are reversed. For the last letter you get 2 attempts. If defence does a sketchy trick offence can offer a second try. It’s not allowed to repeat tricks during a game. You can decide to allow combinations or series of tricks for added difficulty.

    Filmed at the Zandmotor beach in about 20-25 km/h wind. Kites used: 90Nine STD. Edit by Lars. English subtitles available (CC).

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