OSTK Episode 25: Sparrow

  • Episode 25 of Open Source Trickkites features the Sparrow designed and released by Peter Maternus (PAW) and built and flown by Krijn Hemminga using a alternative panel layout. This was the maiden flight of the kite at Vliegerfeest Aan Zee Den Helder 2018 in a gentle sea breeze. Not all possible tricks are in the edit but it should give a general idea of the style and flow of the Sparrow. Enjoy!

    Link to the plan files:

    Link to the Drachenforum building topic:
    Sparrow by PAW (Bauplan in der Kite & Friends)

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  • Very cool, this was my favourite freestyle kite for many years. It tricks relentlessly, had so much fun with it and learned alot with it aswell. It´s pretty ripped now, but that´s how you see you loved tricking it. :thumbup: ;)