90Three Super Ultralight @ Maasvlakte | IckyTV

  • Last minute session at 'De Slufter', Maasvlakte 2 beach. I recently bought a Zhiyun Evolution gimbal stabilizer for the GoPro camera that needed to be tested. Lars and i flying the 90Three SUL kites while figuring out how to film with this cool piece of tech. Enjoy!

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  • Yeah, the stabi works really good!
    That will push your vids to the next level!

    You're always filiming in raw-mode right?
    Maybe you will test some contrast and color edit, or shoot in the normal cine-mode next time?!

  • Thanks!

    Yes shot in std gopro mode, not cineform. I did some colorcorrections on this vid, but i don't have a reference monitor. So it might appear different on different screens. The light was very weird at the beach as well (low).

  • I always think your vids need some boom, maybe only more contrast?!

  • Very sweet and smooth flying guys...thanks for sharing :)