Windfire Designs

Entwickler und Hersteller ganz ausgefallener und in aufwändiger Handarbeit hergestellter
Einleiner. Es gibt aber auch Bilder, Beleuchtungs-Kunstwerke, Schmuck und Kleidung...

Zitat aus der Website:

We produce:
WindFire Designs is a design and handmade technologies company. Our small but powerful studio
produces beautiful objects of the finest quality and highest performance. We love what we do. No
matter what it is, you won't find anything quite like it anywhere else in the world! If what you
see on this site intrigues you please don't hesitate to contact us.

Fine arts and methods:
Our studio produces a range of fine arts including kites, paintings, lighting, jewelry, clothing,
and illustrated books. Our technologies form both around the demands of flight and 20 years of
refinement and cumulative intuition. The materials and construction methods are carefully chosen
to make our work last more than our lifetime. Each piece we choose to produce is the result of
merging the most applicable of our technologies in all of our disciplines.